Technology of Participation (ToP) Facilitation

Technology of Participation (ToP) is a participatory consensus-based decision making process that holds profound respect for all and includes all voices. ToP group facilitation methods have been developed over 30 years in community development, corporate offices, and peacemaking efforts. Learn more about the theory here.

What makes ToP so special?

Facilitation helps draw out all voices and create consensus-based solutions.  

WWGP Facilitation Training

Towards capacity building in our community, WWGP also offers ToP Facilitation Methods Training and ToP Try It sessions for those developing their facilitation skills.  Learn more about our upcoming training options here!

In-House Facilitation Services, Training & Mentoring

WWGP offers ToP Facilitators to support groups with focused conversations, consensus workshops, action planning, strategic planning and conflict resolution. We also offer in-house Facilitation Trainings and mentoring. Learn more about our in-house facilitation services here.